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[초등 임용 2차] 영어 면접 답변 (장점, 교사가 되고 싶은 이유, 교사가 되어 하고 싶은 것)

by 비공개. 2023. 1. 1.

초등 임용 2차 영어 면접 답변


이번 시간에는 제가 예전에 만들었던 영어 면접 답변을 공유하려고 합니다.

영어 면접은 질문이 반복되는 경우가 많아 대부분 답변 만능틀을 만들어 암기합니다.

제 답변이 완벽하진 않지만 참고하셔서 자신만의 답변을 만드시길 바랍니다.

(아래에 더 많은 임용정보가 있으니 참고하세요.)




Q. 자신의 장점을 3가지 말하시오.



1. Positive mind
I am positive person.

I always try to see bright side so I can catch person’s talents and advantages.

Also when I have a problem, I think positively and it helps me solve the problem.

Being a teacher, I can find students’ talents easily and help them to develop their ability.


2. Good listener
I am a good listener.

Sometimes, just listening helps people to solve problem and relieve their temper.

So many friends want to meet me when they have some problems.

Being a teacher, I can listen to my students, parents and other teachers.

It will be helpful to make good relationships and deal with possible problems.

3. Passionate
My motto is “Do my best from small things.”

So when I have something to do, even if it is very small, I do my best because I think there is no meaningless things and I can learn from every small experiences.

Also, even if I get a bad result, that doesn’t make me sad because I did my best.

4. Good communicator
I have good communication skills with children and adults.

I’m willing to talk and be friendly with them and I can express my opinion effectively and listen carefully with respect.






Q. 교사가 되고 싶은 이유를 3가지 말하시오.



1. 아이들을 좋아한다.
- I love children. I volunteered at local children’s center for 1 year in university.

I went there once a week and that day is the happiest day in a week.

I had a good time with children and I really love their purity.

Just seeing them, I smiled without noticing.

Also, I was very touched when they could talk and write something with my help.



2. 가르치는 것은 보람된 일이다.
Teaching is very rewarding job.

Education is the most essential part for developing students’ growth.

I want to help students reach their goals.

Most students don’t know what they want.

So by talking with students, I can find their interest and I will help them to find their goals and real dreams.


3. 교육은 세상을 변화시키는 가장 좋은 수단이다.
I think education is the best way to change the world.

Teacher has a power to change students’ lives and students have the powers to change the world.

I will meet many students every year.

By teaching them correctly, they will make world better.

Teacher is a great job that can change the world.






Q. 교사가 되어 하고 싶은 것 3가지를 말하시오.



1. 여행
I want to go travel to many countries.

I think teacher should have various experiences.

During the travels, I can broad my sight and I can gain a lot of valuable experiences.

I can use these when I teach my students.

I can convey my experiences and feelings to students.

Students can experience various cultures indirectly by teacher’s wide experiences.

In addition, I can use and learn English in theses countries because English is the international language.

So I will travel many countries and introduce to students.


2. 소프트웨어 교육
I will learn the skills related to software like Meta-bus and Entry and video program.

These days, software education is really important.

So I want to be professional in software programs that are related to elementary education.

And I want to make my class video clip and show it to my class at the end of the semester.

It will be unforgettable memory for my students in their school life.

3. 다양한 책 읽기
I will read many books.

Reading books is good for people to store up various knowledge and experience indirectly.

So I want to read books about elementary education, class management, counseling, teaching methods and so on.

It can help me to teach my students with plentiful knowledge.




[ 참 고 ]   더 많은 임용 정보 글 보러가기   



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